Tuesday 26 November 2013

Here is where we are headed and your children are beginning their journey as digital citizen's.

Parent Information,

Your child's work is featured here. This is just a small sample of the learning that is happening in our room! The pictures feature the hands and the head, that created the work. We will not be using last names. If you do not see your child's work, then check with me to see if I have received your electronic permission form. We are just getting started on our sharing journey please be patient and let us know that you have visited!

For parent information, the Full Day Kindergarten Program uses elements of conscious discipline which promotes self regulation and positive choices

Ms. Gray
Peter, K and X " Who has the tallest spaceship?"
Oliva" I can group by colour!"
Ngun"I made a museum that animals can walk into!"
Ryan "I have blue, red,green,blue,green,green,blue and yellow!"
Cungcer " I can make a pattern with four colours!"